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Issue 1, Pupper News, 11/30/2017

Welcome to Pupper News, I'm your News anchor, Lucky the Doggo. Our Latest poll suggests we should team up with Doggo news, so we did! It was hard to find their email, but we did it and teamed up. Our first article is: We need more & knuckles memes! there has been a major downfall with the "and knuckles" memes, the cause for this has been because people like rabies mcdoggo, who have made "and knuckles" memes for the past 19 YEARS have stopped production of the meme. Next topic is: Doggo news needs your help! Doggo news, who have inspired us, have stopped their news company from making episodes, it is unknown why this happened, but they "need more workers" to continue. that is the end of this episode of Pupper News, see you next time!


Issue 2, Pupper News, 1/5/2018

Welcome back, Fellow Puppers and Doggoes! I'm your News anchor, Lucky the Doggo, And we have a Pretty short Issue, so get in your Kennel and scratch the walls and go in the halls! Our first Article is about rabies mcdoggo's Fighting Career! Just last night rabies was found in a great big line to the fighting Tryouts! He is quote, "Fighting for the Memes!" He is now Releasing & Knuckles memes, and FAST! He has a Collage Degree for A+ Art Skills! yay! Second Article is: Doggo News's Updates. We are still waiting for Doggo News to make Some News Articles, so we Sadly will not see any episodes this week, We are hoping they can do at least a short news article, But for now, Good Luck, Doggo News! And that truly ends this Episode of Pupper News, Thanks for tuning in!

Pupper News has been renamed to Shiber News, and is now discontinued.
Shiber News available never lol boomer